luni, 26 martie 2012

Poezie in LISP

(defun c:o_poezie ()
(setvar x "ca nu se stie")
(command "style" "Arial")
(setq vers "Fara" =)

(setq index "Prima strofa")
;;Ce deja e-o catastrofa
(defun strofe (vers cu_rima)
(setq tip "E monorima"))

(while strofe (command "text")
(setq spatiu_gol (entnext))
(if (= esti "topograf")
(repeat 1 paragraf))

(setq rand (entget (entlast)))
(cond ((vers naspa) ('erase "last"))
((= nil (entsel sfarsit))
(princ "\nMai baga un repeat!")))

(if (<= 3 randuri)
(alert "Ma cam pui pe ganduri!")
(setq randuri 20))
(princ "Ia vezi, poti sa ma-ntreci?")


A-nceput de ieri sa cada
Cate-un militian pe strada
Fiindca e polei pe jos
Si e foarte-alunecos.
Vine iarna, bine-mi pare,
Si ma satur de ninsoare,
A cazut asa de deasa,
Nu mai pot sa ies din casa.
Am in casa numai spirt
Si vreau sa ma duc la birt.
Ies afara in ograda
Sap tuneluri prin zapada,
Si fac unul mititel
Ca sa ma strecor prin el.
Sap ca prostul, in zadar,
Ca tot nu ajung la bar
Mai bine astept armata
Ca sa vina cu lopata.
Cand ma uit pe drum in zare,
Vad masini cu ajutoare,
Eu stau si-i astept in frig,
Macar sa-mi dea un covrig.
Au ajuns acum soldatii
Sa salveze sinistratii.
Eu le zic sa-mi dea un zaibar,
Ei imi dau ulei si zahar,
Eu le zic sa-mi dea tarie,
Sa ma incalzesc putin,
N-am avut recolta-n vie
Si-am ramas si fara vin.
Vreau alcool, vreo bautura
Sa ma hidratez in gura,
Macar sa imi dea o bere,
Daca nu, la revedere!
Pan' la urma ce-am baut?
Apa plata cu lamaie,
Nici nu se ducea din gat.
Ce sa bei, ce sa ramaie?

Pan' la urma am scapat
De ninsoarea grea din sat,
S-a topit de tot zapada
Si mi-a inundat ograda.
Si sa-mi bag picioarele
Ca acuma soarele
Incalzeste peste tot
Si mi-e cald de nu mai pot.
Fetele au inceput
Sa mai scape din "tesut",
De noi li s-a facut mila
Si renunta la textila.
Am asa o bucurie
Cand vad verde pe campie,
Verde-n fata ochilor,
Cand vad cioara pe ogor,
Eu ii pun si sperietoare,
Ea continua sa zboare,
Eu ii dau cu erbicide,
Ea recolta mi-o ucide,
Nici nu stiu ce sa-i mai fac,
Ca nu-i pasare, e drac.
In gradina cand privesc,
Totii copacii infloresc,
Au iesit si florile,
Le mananca ciorile.
Au iesit si morcovii,
Ii mananca iepurii.
A iesit si patrunjelul,
Dar gandacii ii fac felul.
A iesit si pastarnacul
L-a mancat pe tot gandacul,
Si cartoful a iesit,
Dar e mic si prapadit.
In spinare iau o sapa,
Sa-mi fac brazdele cu ceapa,
Doar atata mi-a ramas,
Din gradina tot mi-au ras.

Vine vara cu caldura
Si ti se usuca gura,
Ca o cioara te-nnegresti
Si-apoi pielea ti-o cojesti.
E cald tare si ti-e sila,
Si te-ntinzi ca o camila,
Noaptea nu mai poti sa dormi,
Parca zici ca te transformi.
Valul de caldura vine,
Nici la umbra nu e bine,
Nu mai stii ce sa mai faci,
Nici cu ce sa te imbraci.
De caldura nu mai poti,
Mergi mai bine in chiloti.
Vara, cand te duci la baie
Iei cu tine fete-o droaie
Si in apa le dai drumul
Ca sa le admiri costumul.
Cica le inveti sa-noate
Si le pui mana pe spate,
Si-apoi cand se umfla-n pene,
Le mai tragi de sutiene,
Si le iei la rand pe toate
Sa le-nveti cum sa inoate.
Dupa baie, la terasa,
Sub umbrela racoroasa,
Stai pe scaun, bei o bere,
Savurand-o cu placere.
Nu te satura doar una,
Pana seara bei intruna.
Ochii-ncep sa vada-n ceata
Si te inrosesti la fata,
Iar privirea iti sticleste,
Limba ti se-mpleticeste,
Cu greu pleci de la terasa
Si de-abia ajungi acasa.
Vara parca te transformi
Ca esti treaz numai cand dormi.

Vine toamna si imi place
La liceu cand vin boboace,
Stau si le masor pe toate
Si din fata si din spate.
Si-apoi daca-mi place una
Ma duc la ea cu minciuna,
Poate-poate-mi cade-n plasa
Si ma duc cu ea acasa.
Sambata e bucurie,
Toti se duc in club, se stie,
Si incep sa se distreze,
Pe manele sa danseze,
Uita de liceu, de tot
Si de BAC ii doare-n cot.
Cu pahare mari in mana
Beau cat pentru-o saptamana,
"Las' sa dau cu banii frate,
Am o viata, nu am 7!"
Si-apoi cand ajung acasa,
Nu au ce pune pe masa,
Golatatea-i inconjoara
Si-apoi foamea ii doboara.
Atunci cand ii vine timpul
Toamna este anotimpul
Cand culegi ce-ai semanat
Si pui totul la pastrat.
Vrei sa ai camara plina
Sa ii dai si la vecina,
Cand ea vine si iti cere,
Sa ii dai sa-i faci placere.
Ai pus totul la borcane:
Zarzavaturi, bulioane,
Faci zacusca, pui acrime,
Le asezi dupa marime.
In balerca torni si vinul
Sa ai cu ce sa-ti faci plinul,
De-asta toamna e frumos:
Mai mult tapan stai pe jos.

marți, 20 martie 2012

I, Robot

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.

Strofa I:

For everyone the life is so hard,
You follow your path, you play your card,
No matter what you have, you must never fold,
Because everyone of us has a place in this world.
And you must acquire everything you need,
Just follow the steps in order to succeed.
You know when you wake up everyday in the morning,
Only the death will stop you from learning.

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.

Strofa II

The world is a giant maze full of mice,
You know you're not a cat and you must sacrifice,
The money give you power and help you survive
In this jungle full of madness, we must stay alive.
The only thing that keeps you going is the greed,
The power's fascinating in this century of speed,
But in the end all that you gain is only stress,
You realise that all your life was just a mess.

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.

Strofa III

My story begins in a sunny day
The summer was close at the end of May,
I was walking on the street in the clouds of dust,
The metallic doors of buildings were just full of rust.
I saw a girl, my heart was pumping and I said her: "Hi!"
She looked at me, her fancy eyes reflected the blue sky,
My heart was beating faster, I was full of emotion,
She was the only girl that put my feelings in motion.

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.

Strofa IV

I was so happy that I met the love of my life,
She was a lovely mother and a perfect wife,
My kids were growing faster, they were smart and proud,
And in that days together we just lough out loud.
But fate was watching from above and made a plan
To make me helpless and to know I'm just a man.
We only saw the future then, forgot the past,
That happy days unfortunately didn't last.

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.

Strofa V

They died... An earthquake took their lives...I was the only left...
The fate just won and made from me the most painfully theft...
I close my eyes...I want to die...My soul's already gone...
I want to be a robot now, no longer be a man.
Instead of skin, I want just steel and no heart in the chest
I'll fly to Mars to stay alone and to forget...To rest...
You are so weak because you FEEL, you hate or maybe love
I want to be a robot now and watch you from above.

I'm just a robot from Mars,
My only friends are the stars,
My heart is broken and I feel so sad,
I lost everything I've had.